Every one of us relies on the other to survive. However, even though many of us have relocated far away from our families, friends may be more important than ever before. So, since the 1980s, when most study on relationships focused on romantic and sexual components, there has been an explosion of research on friendship. Some researchers believe that a friend's role goes beyond company, emotional support, and practical assistance. It is possible that they are necessary to our health.

People with strong social connections live longer, according to psychologists at Brigham Young University in the United States, who analyzed 148 studies involving more than 308,000 people in 2010. Depression and high blood pressure have also been linked to loneliness.

On this subject, Professor Suzanne Degges-White of Northern Illinois University in the United States has written several volumes. "Friends make us feel good about ourselves and offer meaning to our lives. As a result, we feel a sense of significance. To paraphrase her own words, "knowing that we have good friends and people who understand us boosts our quality of life"

When you have someone to talk to about your problems, they seem less frightening. In a study, participants were asked to rate the steepness of a hill while standing alone or with a companion. When a companion was accompanying them, it looked less steep.

What are the 5 easiest methods to making new friends and keeping them?

1.     Other people may be looking for friends, so don't assume they aren't. A recent transfer, a retirement, or a newly single status may have prompted them to reach out.

2.      Enroll in an organized activity organization in your town, such as the local Chess or any sports club in your area to meet new people.

3.      Social networking is a great way to reach your audience. A great way to reconnect with old friends. Unknown to you, it's possible that they're closer than you originally assumed. With email and video chats or text messaging you can stay connected even if distance is an issue.

4.      Do not overshare. A mutual exchange of personal information is essential to building trust and understanding. Overreacting might make you appear desperate, and disclosing too much information can lead to regrets.

5.    Befriend someone you see often and who seems friendly. Propose to meet them for coffee or something like.